P.B.R. Technique
Peripheral Bone Removal
Angled Hand Lever and Tapping Instrument Instructions
For use with the Magic Expander, Magic Split, Magic Sinus Lifter, and Bone Pusher
To dismount instrument from hand lever, pull back the connection lock and pull out the instrument from the connection groove.
The Strong Points
– Creates a perfectly round placement hole
– Checks the floor and walls of the placement hole
– No drill shifting
– Minimal bone loss
– Enables proper harvest of the bone core
In order to form the correct implantation hole in the implant surgery, the driller must be drilled to the proper implantation position at the right depth, and the implantation hole must be accurately formed.
The existing implant surgery system has to undergo various drilling processes, from initial drilling to final drilling to form precise circular castings.
This complicates not only the operative procedure, but also causes side effects that prolong the duration of the patient’s time in the operating chair.
P.B.R Technique is a UNIQUE DRYING SYSTEM using the IBS MAGIC DRILL to minimize the drilling process and shorten the procedure time, and it is possible to obtain a perfect round hole at a predetermined position with a single drill bit. In addition, because of the characteristic shape of the MAGIC DRILL with the middle part, after drilling, the patient’s bone (bone core) remains, and this can be taken and used as the best bone graft material if necessary
Since the IBS P.B.R. technique removes the process of eliminating all the patient’s bones, recycling the “suppressed” quality bone is not possible.